Proud of who I am

Proud of who I am

When you stand for what you have done or the choice you have made in life it shows.


Newspapers in Tallinn

Estonia, August 2011 Tallinn Just outside the city centre of Tallin in front of a Sovjet style building we are suddenly surrounded by a herd...
Abderrakak El Maamna

Roots and identity, tradition and change

March 2018 Taroudant/Marrakech Morocco In the Sidi Ayoub area of the Medina (the town inside the city walls) of Marrakesch Abderrazzak El Maana unexpectedly...
Minaret Al Pakistani

Hospitality and Inequality

Pakistan, Lahore, September 2019 What is normal? This question has been swirling in my mind for the two weeks I had the privilege to spend in...


2021 August Hungary Sátoraljaújhely (Ujhel) Shifting borders, mass murder, deportation, forced migration; It is impossible to travel through eastern Europe without realising what happened in...

The cockroaches migrate in summer

Lviv, Ukraine February 2019 Remember your years as a student? The best years of your life they say. A little spartan here and there but...
body telling lab

Throw away the ladder

Belgrade February 2018 At the age of 35 after finishing university education Adrien Gaumé decided that writing reviews of cultural events for the local newspaper...
contact improvisation Minsk

Contact Improvisation Dance Minsk

Minsk December 10th 2017 Studio of Вероника Чарковская Veronika Charkovskaya see her FB page Contact Improvisations Dancers Alexander and Catherine See also the article Minsk

Marcel, Kullen Dalarna Sweden

Sweden, Nyhammar, November 2017 Marcel Schruijer from St.Maartensvlotbrug, the Netherlands in front of his new home in Kullen, near Nyhammar in Dalarna, Sweden. He moved...


February 2020 Lviv Ukraine What did you do in the evening after a working day when you were 24? Possibly you were just too tired...