Culture differences

Culture differences

Culture differences in stories are about a specific geographical location.

Minaret Al Pakistani

Hospitality and Inequality

Pakistan, Lahore, September 2019 What is normal? This question has been swirling in my mind for the two weeks I had the privilege to spend in...

In Israel everyone comes from somewhere

Israel Tel Aviv Jerusalem February 2019 Who does not want to see Jerusalem just once in his life? It is curiosity that brought me here....
Abderrakak El Maamna

Roots and identity, tradition and change

March 2018 Taroudant/Marrakech Morocco In the Sidi Ayoub area of the Medina (the town inside the city walls) of Marrakesch Abderrazzak El Maana unexpectedly...

Saul in Krakow

Auschwitz January 2016 My head is still full of my visit to Birkenau. What most impressed me was the vastness of the camp and what meager...

Beachclub Samotrakhi Greece

Tourism and the EU June 2011 More than 30 years ago my wife and I had a wonderfull time camping on this relatively unknown Greek island....

Brains but no work in Sibiu Rumania

A new Euro generation tries to build a life I am on the train from Brasov to Sibiu, in the middle of Rumania. The weather...
Bright colors near Divkanka

Olexandra, a village near Dikanka

Plains near Poltava Ukraine, October 2016 Sunflower fields are abundant around Poltava, Ukraine. It is an important local industry and has been for almost a century....

Angela Šutka Macedonia

The only Roma town in Macedonia Macedonia, Skopje, August 2012 It is not easy to find the right bus to my destination Šutka. The signs are...

Przemyśl, Weronika and Mikal

European youth January 2016 Przemyśl is a sleepy bordertown in the east of Poland, just a few kilometers away from the Ukrainian border. The river that splits...