
Ukraine, Ternopil, November 2018 Years of exercise, discipline, and lessons preceded this moment. In only a few minutes your name will resound and all eyes...

Because it is possible

The Netherlands IJmuiden October 2018 Aid Part 1: Dogs like human feces “Twelve years ago I visited Chișinău, the capital of Moldova, for the first time. I...
Vasile Victor Cobani

A glass of water for Vasile, ...

Moldova, Cobani October 2018 Aid Part 2: The final destination Buckwheat and red beetroot The elderly couple lives in just one room. The rectangular structure of concrete...
Estonia Sillamae

To wake up in another country in your own bed.

Estonia, Narva, Paldinski, July 2018 In your own house, in your own bed: in the morning you wake up and suddenly you are in a...
Abderrakak El Maamna

Roots and identity, tradition and change

March 2018 Taroudant/Marrakech Morocco In the Sidi Ayoub area of the Medina (the town inside the city walls) of Marrakesch Abderrazzak El Maana unexpectedly...

Fall down and get up

Serbia, Obenovac, February 2018 I meet Goran Mitrovic in Obenovac, an hour drive from Belgrade. Now 57 his life coincides with the most turbulent periods...

I do not want to wait until retirement to have fun

Serbia, Vukićevica Village, Grabovac, February 2018, At the first handshake, Aleksandar Velimirovic explains to me the philosophy of their project. For him, it is not...

Why did you not leave?

Serbia February 2018 When emigrants come back to Serbia this question "why did you not leave" is not uncommon amongst the generation that grew up...
Studentski park chile

Hello stranger I am having fun

Serbia, Belgrade,  February 2018 A relatively warm Sunday late afternoon in the centre of Belgrade. Studentski Park is during the week a favorite hang out...

Lepe moje crne ochi pogledajte na me

Serbia January 31st 2018 In the mainstreet of Belgrade the voices of the girls could be heard on a distance. The girl on the left...