Saint Nicolas song
Sad Flower Saint Nicholas celebration December 15th 2017 Drohobich Ukraine See for the full story Saint Nicholas
Contact Improvisation Dance Minsk
Minsk December 10th 2017
Studio of Вероника Чарковская Veronika Charkovskaya see her FB page
Contact Improvisations Dancers Alexander and Catherine See also the article Minsk
Kardash Fashion Minsk
Belarus December 2017 Minsk
Customer at Kardash fashion gallery in Minsk Korpus Kulturtsentr. The centre hosts a number of small enterprises including a designer fashion...
Uljana and Rostyk: Sam Smak natural bread backery
Lviv, Ukraine December 2017
Rostyk and Uljana have had many jobs. Rostyk made music freelance and studied at University but at the same time traded...
Saint Nicolas: private small scale charity in Ukraine
Ukraine, Lviv, Drohobych, December 2017
Contrasts in celebration of a children's holiday
The birthday of Saint Nicholas which falls on the 6th December is the biggest...
Soviet style corruption still prevails at state university in Lviv.
Ukraine, Lviv, December 2017
Exam time at Ivano Franko State University Lviv: a classroom where students are divided into two rows and a lecturer who’s...
Minsk: Sasha and Korpus kulturtsenter
Living in Belarus
Belarus, December 2017 Nearly three decades ago the Sovjet Union disintegrated, fragmenting into a multitude of states, each developing their own way. I...
Entrepreneurship in Lviv: Natalya and Vitaly
A start up business in leather goods in Lviv
Ukraine, Lviv, December 2017
Natalya teaches at University and gives language lessons online. She was my teacher...
Saul in Krakow
January 2016
My head is still full of my visit to Birkenau. What most impressed me was the vastness of the camp and what meager...